"Potcake" is the name used for the many stray dogs that can be found roaming around Provo. The dogs are cute and smart and places like
Potcake Place make it a hassle free process to adopt one whether or not you are down there. They take care of vaccinations, provide them a home and organize the health certificate for travel. Since there are so many strays, not all of them can be helped so adopting one is equivalent to rescuing another. What could be a better gift for the holidays?
Recently, a potcake was featured in the
New York Post when
author Paul Conway adopted a pup who she's named Marley.
"I was in Turks & Caicos, and I came home with sunburn and a potcake," explains Paula Conway, co-author of "The Beauty Buyble"
Read more about her adventures with Marley when she returned to the city.
Helpful links:
Potcake FoundationPotcake Place